Steam boilers,
- Leading technology
- Low energy consumption
- High reliability
- Large water and steam volume
- Customized designs
- Telemanagement
Steam boilers,
hot water boilers and superheated
water boilers:
- Steam Shell boilers from 250 to 50.000 kg/h. Design pressure PS up to 25 bar. Saturated steam or superheated steam.
- Hot water boiler from 60.000 to 20.000.000 kcal/h and superheated water to 190ºC.
- Sprint steam generators (water-tube) from 300 to 2.000 kg/h.
Heating Options:
- Liquid fuels: Light oil, Heavy fuel
- Gas fuels: Natural Gas, Propane Gas, Biogas, Effluent gases
- Waste heat recovery from cogeneration engines or turbines, with optional in-duct burner (postcombustion)
Standards for design, construction and maintenance:
- Shell Boilers: EN 12953
- Sprint steam generators (water-tube): EN 12952
- Hot water boiler: EN 303 Directive 92/42/CE
- Marking Directive 97/23/CE DEP
- Indirect Surveillance with intervals of 24 hours supervision (or 72 hours optional)
- High heat transfer Surface and water volume
- Low thermal load
- Plain or corrugated combustion chamber. Oversized combustion chamber
- High vapour quality. Vaporization without water dragging
- Wet-back and internal inversion chamber (without refractory)
- Easy maintenance and cleaning
- Standard boiler: Horizontal with 3-pass gas, with one or two combustion chambers.
- Waste heat recovery boiler or Hybrid boilers: Horizontal with one gas pass, with one internal combustion chamber or external combustion chamber.
- Sprint steam generators (water-tube): Vertical or Horizontal